Name : Yuuki Miaka
Birthdate : 5/12/77
Age : 15
Height : 158cm ~5'1"
Weight : 48kg
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color : Brown
Blood Type: B
Interests : Eating and Tamahome
Flaws : Eating, Naive, and Trusting
Seiyuu : Araki Kae
Miaka adalah tokoh utama dari cerita ini, dan perempuan yang beruntung karena dicintai oleh semua pelindungnya. Pada awalnya ia memang tidak dewasa dan banyak yang heran kenapa ia bisa terpilih menjadi dewi. Namun seiring alur cerita, ia bertambah dewasa dan ikhlas dalam berkorban. Yang paling unik darinya adalah ia selalu berusaha melawan orang jahat walaupun ia tidak kuat. Dan ia sering lolos dari kematian baik karena usahanya sendiri, usaha para pelindungnya serta bantuan dari dewa yang memilihnya.
"Fighter"Star Pattern: Cancer
Seishi Name : Tamahome
Real Name : Sou Kishuku
Nick Name : Little Ghost or Taka
Birthdate : 6/28
Age : 17
Height : 178cm ~5'10"
Hair Color : Dark Blue-Green
Eye Color : Purple or Grey (depending on if he's pissed)
Blood Type : O
Seishi Power: Great Fighter
Character : "oni"-Ogre
Location of Character: Forehead
Interests : Money and Miaka
Flaws : Interest in money
Seiyuu : Midorikawa Hikaru
Ia akan lahir ke dunia nyata sebagai Sukunami Taka yang akan menikahi Miaka.
"Prince Swordsman"
Star Pattern: Hydra
Seishi name: Hotohori
Real name : Seishuku (Saihitei is his imperial title)
Birthdate : 4/2
Age : 18
Height: 182cm ~5'11.6"
Hair Color : Brown
Eye Color : A beautiful brown
Blood type: A
Character: "sei" - Star
Seishi Power : Great Swordsman
Location of character: on the neck
Interests: Reading and Fashion
Flaws: Narcissistic and lonely
Seiyuu : Koyasu Takehito
Hotohori's reincarnation is called Andy Wong. He's a huge popstar from China, and of course, he's gorgeous.
"Court Warrior"
Star Pattern: Hydra
Seishi Name: Nuriko
Real Name : Chou Ryuuen
Nickname : "Gay-boy"
Birthdate : 3/10
Age : 18
Height : 166cm ~5'5"
Hair Color : Purple
Eye Color : Brown
Blood Type : B
Character : "yanagi" - Willow
Location of character: left side of chest by the heart
Seishi Power: Superhuman Strength
Interests : dressing up, being fashionable, and Hotohori-sama
Flaws: utter selflessness (also a strength, of course)
Seiyuu : Sakamoto Chika
Nuriko's reincarnation is a shadowy character going by the handle 'Joe.' Still maintaining Nuriko's original "fashion sense", Joe works as a spy for an unknown country or organization.
"Face of the Monk"
Star Pattern: Gemini
Seishi Name : Chichiri
Real Name : Ri Houjun
Birthdate : 5/21
Age : 24
Height : 175cm ~5'9"
Hair Color : Light blue
Eye Color : Brown
Blood Type : Unknown
Seishi Power: Polymorphing and Magic learned from Taiitsu-kun
Character : "sho" - Well
Location of Character: Knee
Interests : Fishing
Flaws : Guilt complex over situation with fiance and best-friend
Seiyuu : Seki Tomokazu
Chichiri is probably one of the most intriguing characters in Fushigi Yuugi. As the masked monk, Chichiri provides the spiritual, magical, and elder support of the group. To hide his tragic past, Chichiri wears the smiling mask to hide the scar which covers and shuts his left eye forever, and adds a cute "no da" to almost every sentence. The "no da"s seem to disappear when he becomes serious about whatever he is talking about.
"Mountain Fire"
Star Pattern: Crater
Seishi Name : Tasuki
Real Name : Kou Shun'u
Nick Name : Genrou or Gen-chan or Fang-boy
Birthdate : 4/18
Age : 17
Height : 178cm ~5'10"
Hair Color : A fiery red
Eye Color : A beautiful brown
Blood Type : B
Seishi Power: Martial Arts, Speed, and Flame Fan
Character : "yoku" - Wing
Location of Character: Right forearm
Interests : Arguing and brawling
Flaws : Dislikes women
Seiyuu : Hayashi Nobutoshi
Genrou or Shun'u, grew up as the youngest brother of five sisters (none of which are mentioned in the anime), and as a consequence, Gen-chan has grown up disliking and distrusting women (because they cause him trouble). It's for this reason that Shun'u left home at an early age to become a member of the Mt.Leikaku bandits, earning his nickname Genrou ("Phantasm Wolf") there, as bestowed by the former leader, Hakurou. (Learn more about Hakurou and a young Genrou in Genrou-den) As a seishi, Tasuki brings speed and the flame fan tessen to the group as well as the ability to "tell it like it is." EXAMPLE: "don't give me that sh*t, it's damn good he's dead!!!"
Star Pattern: Corvus
Seishi Name: Mitsukake
Real Name : Myojuan
Birthdate : 5/7
Age : 22
Height : 199cm ~6'6"
Hair Color : Black
Eye Color : i'm not sure
Blood Type : O
Seishi Power: Healing
Character : Sadness
Location of Character: Left palm
Interests : Growing plants and helping animals
Flaws : In mourning for lover Shoka who he could not save
Seiyuu : Ishii Kouji
Mitsukake was reincarnated as a Brazilian soccer star named Juan Pedro Martinez. He also has a reputation among his teammates as having 'healing hands' when it comes to muscle rubs.
"Knowledgeable Child"
Star Pattern: Hydra
Seishi Name : Chiriko
Real Name : Oh Do-kun
Birthdate : 3/19
Age : 13
Height : 148cm ~4'10"
Hair Color : Chestnut brown
Eye Color : Bluish-grey
Blood Type : A
Seishi Power: Extreme Intelligence
Character : "cho" - Stretching
Location of Character: Left foot
Interests : Reading and studying
Flaws : Looks like a little girl (but at 16 he's a babe!), and useless in the anime
Seiyuu : Kawakami Tomoko
Chiriko was reborn as a Canadian child prodigy scientist named Duke Prio.
Name : Yuuki Miaka
Birthdate : 5/12/77
Age : 15
Height : 158cm ~5'1"
Weight : 48kg - believe it or not, she weighs less than Yui
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color : Brown
Blood Type: B
Interests : Eating and Tamahome
Flaws : Eating, Naive, and Trusting
Seiyuu : Araki Kae
Miaka is the heroine of our fair story, and the lucky lady who gains all those gorgeous guys dedicated to protecting only her. Miaka is an unlikely hero at first, being immature, gluttonus, naive, and extremely trusting. Of course, these are also her strengths (except the gluttonus). Miaka's job as Miko requires a pure body and a strong will, the pure body is not a problem (as long as she and Tamahome keep their hands off eachother) and the strong will is earned through the hardships Miaka must endure in gathering the seishi and calling Suzaku. Personally, I like Miaka. I think alot of people cut her down way too out of hand and don't really see the good, trusting, loving, giving, self-sacrificing person that she is (or becomes). Give the girl a break, she's tryin her best!!!
"Fighter"Star Pattern: Cancer
Seishi Name : Tamahome
Real Name : Sou Kishuku
Nick Name : Little Ghost or Taka
Birthdate : 6/28
Age : 17
Height : 178cm ~5'10"
Hair Color : Dark Blue-Green
Eye Color : Purple or Grey (depending on if he's pissed)
Blood Type : O
Seishi Power: Great Fighter
Character : "oni"-Ogre
Location of Character: Forehead
Interests : Money and Miaka
Flaws : Interest in money
Seiyuu : Midorikawa Hikaru
Tamahome proves to be one of the most dynamic and interesting characters in Fushigi Yuugi. I'll admit that at first I didn't like him and that it took about 15 episodes for me to really like him. Tamahome is obviously our leading male character, he is the love interest for our heroine, the fighting force behind the Suzaku seishi, and the object of contention for both Seiryuu No Miko and her protector Nakago. Around here we find out the reason for Tamahome's money-centric attitude...his father is sick, his mother is dead, and he has four siblings to raise...all on his own. All of his siblings are younger than him, so they rely solely on him for food, money, and anything else they might need. So it turns out that Tamahome's thirst for money has been for his family's well-being. ^_^ After Amiboshi had posed as a Suzaku seishi, fled, and fallen headfirst into the river, Suboshi (Amiboshi's brother) decided to take revenge on Tamahome. Believing that Tamahome had killed his sibling, Suboshi mercilessly slaughtered Tamahome's family. The shock nearly destroyed Tamahome. Ultimately he came to the conclusion that Miaka was his life. He had been born to protect her, he couldn't protect his family, but with them gone, he had nothing to divide his attentions. His efforts were redoubled. Lastly, upon the seishi sending their chi to Tamahome (and Miaka summoning Suzaku), he was able to defeat Nakago in single combat. He and Miaka knew a wish to be together would not be granted by Suzaku. So they were forced to part, but Tamahome promised that he would find "nomatter how long it takes." We then flash forward to Miaka and Yui in high school (the same high school, not Jonan Academy), and Keisuke introducing Miaka to a new student at his college, "he has memories of a past life where he was born to protect a girl." He looks exactly the same, although his name is different (Sukunami Taka) and he was born into the real world...it is Tamahome reborn. ^_^
"Prince Swordsman"
Star Pattern: Hydra
Seishi name: Hotohori
Real name : Seishuku (Saihitei is his imperial title)
Birthdate : 4/2
Age : 18
Height: 182cm ~5'11.6"
Hair Color : Brown
Eye Color : A beautiful brown
Blood type: A
Character: "sei" - Star
Seishi Power : Great Swordsman
Location of character: on the neck
Interests: Reading and Fashion
Flaws: Narcissistic and lonely
Seiyuu : Koyasu Takehito
Hotohori-sama is definately the most gorgeous anime man i have ever seen! Hotohori is the Emperor of Konan country, he ascended to the throne at a very young age (fourteen), and since then has had to mature quickly. He is a very serious young man, gentle, kind, and good to the people he rules over. Saddled with the affairs of a whole country early in life, Emperor Saihitei grew up lonely among advisors and ambassadors, it was at this time that he learned of the legend of Suzaku No Miko. It was written in the legend that a symbol would appear on the neck of the crown prince and that a girl would appear from another world to save the country in its time of need, and that the prince would be one of her protectors. A young Hotohori embraced this legend hoping that the miko would be the one to end his loneliness. When Miaka arrived, Emperor Saihitei instantly vied for her love, so much so, that he threatened an also-enamoured Tamahome. Hotohori eventually learned to control his feelings and to accept the true love formed between Miaka and Tamahome. Hotohori's spoiler info can be found here and here...be warned.
During the 2nd OVA release, there were six cds released, one for each 2nd OVA episode. Besides the BGM and vocal tracks featured in the episode, there were a couple of drama tracks detailing the reincarnation of the seishi into Miaka's world. Hotohori's reincarnation is called Andy Wong. He's a huge popstar from China, and of course, he's gorgeous.
"Court Warrior"
Star Pattern: Hydra
Seishi Name: Nuriko
Real Name : Chou Ryuuen
Nickname : "Gay-boy"
Birthdate : 3/10
Age : 18
Height : 166cm ~5'5"
Hair Color : Purple
Eye Color : Brown
Blood Type : B
Character : "yanagi" - Willow
Location of character: left side of chest by the heart
Seishi Power: Superhuman Strength
Interests : dressing up, being fashionable, and Hotohori-sama
Flaws: utter selflessness (also a strength, of course)
Seiyuu : Sakamoto Chika
Nuriko is definately one of my favorite characters in Fushigi Yuugi, of course I love them all. First introduced as a princess in the royal palace, Nuriko quickly admits a love of Emperor Hotohori and must be "forced" to become a seishi for Miaka as Miaka is an obstacle in the way of Hotohori's love. Of course Nuriko sees the good in Miaka eventually and joins the ranks of Miaka's seishi willingly. A person of remarkable abilities and a strong sense of self and duty, Nuriko is the COOLEST of the cool. Best friends with Tasuki, shoulder for Miaka, and general friend to all. go here (read the spoilers) for Nuriko's past.
During the 2nd OVA release, there were six cds released, one for each 2nd OVA episode. Besides the BGM and vocal tracks featured in the episode, there were a couple of drama tracks detailing the reincarnation of the seishi into Miaka's world. Nuriko's reincarnation is a shadowy character going by the handle 'Joe.' Still maintaining Nuriko's original "fashion sense", Joe works as a spy for an unknown country or organization.
"Face of the Monk"
Star Pattern: Gemini
Seishi Name : Chichiri
Real Name : Ri Houjun
Birthdate : 5/21
Age : 24
Height : 175cm ~5'9"
Hair Color : Light blue
Eye Color : Brown
Blood Type : Unknown
Seishi Power: Polymorphing and Magic learned from Taiitsu-kun
Character : "sho" - Well
Location of Character: Knee
Interests : Fishing
Flaws : Guilt complex over situation with fiance and best-friend
Seiyuu : Seki Tomokazu
Chichiri is probably one of the most intriguing characters in Fushigi Yuugi. As the masked monk, Chichiri provides the spiritual, magical, and elder support of the group. To hide his tragic past, Chichiri wears the smiling mask to hide the scar which covers and shuts his left eye forever, and adds a cute "no da" to almost every sentence. The "no da"s seem to disappear when he becomes serious about whatever he is talking about.
"Mountain Fire"
Star Pattern: Crater
Seishi Name : Tasuki
Real Name : Kou Shun'u
Nick Name : Genrou or Gen-chan or Fang-boy
Birthdate : 4/18
Age : 17
Height : 178cm ~5'10"
Hair Color : A fiery red
Eye Color : A beautiful brown
Blood Type : B
Seishi Power: Martial Arts, Speed, and Flame Fan
Character : "yoku" - Wing
Location of Character: Right forearm
Interests : Arguing and brawling
Flaws : Dislikes women
Seiyuu : Hayashi Nobutoshi
Tasuki is definately my all around favorite character in Fushigi Yuugi, he's got the looks, the cool coat, the smart mouth, and the tepid attitude. Genrou or Shun'u, grew up as the youngest brother of five sisters (none of which are mentioned in the anime), and as a consequence, Gen-chan has grown up disliking and distrusting women (because they cause him trouble). It's for this reason that Shun'u left home at an early age to become a member of the Mt.Leikaku bandits, earning his nickname Genrou ("Phantasm Wolf") there, as bestowed by the former leader, Hakurou. (Learn more about Hakurou and a young Genrou in Genrou-den) As a seishi, Tasuki brings speed and the flame fan tessen to the group as well as the ability to "tell it like it is." EXAMPLE: "don't give me that sh*t, it's damn good he's dead!!!"
Star Pattern: Corvus
Seishi Name: Mitsukake
Real Name : Myojuan
Birthdate : 5/7
Age : 22
Height : 199cm ~6'6"
Hair Color : Black
Eye Color : i'm not sure
Blood Type : O
Seishi Power: Healing
Character : Sadness
Location of Character: Left palm
Interests : Growing plants and helping animals
Flaws : In mourning for lover Shoka who he could not save
Seiyuu : Ishii Kouji
Mitsukake is a very large man with a very large heart and generosity, especially when animals are concerned. "Tama" is his cat and companion. Mitsukake used to be a doctor using his healing powers and knowledge of herbs and salves to help people far and wide until an illness struck his fiance Shoka...
During the 2nd OVA release, there were six cds released, one for each 2nd OVA episode. Besides the BGM and vocal tracks featured in the episode, there were a couple of drama tracks detailing the reincarnation of the seishi into Miaka's world. Mitsukake was reincarnated as a Brazilian soccer star named Juan Pedro Martinez. He also has a reputation among his teammates as having 'healing hands' when it comes to muscle rubs.
"Knowledgeable Child"
Star Pattern: Hydra
Seishi Name : Chiriko
Real Name : Oh Do-kun
Birthdate : 3/19
Age : 13
Height : 148cm ~4'10"
Hair Color : Chestnut brown
Eye Color : Bluish-grey
Blood Type : A
Seishi Power: Extreme Intelligence
Character : "cho" - Stretching
Location of Character: Left foot
Interests : Reading and studying
Flaws : Looks like a little girl (but at 16 he's a babe!), and useless in the anime
Seiyuu : Kawakami Tomoko
Chiriko was the last of the seishi to be found, and whose power is extreme intelligence. The thing that is forgotten most often about Chiriko is that he is a kid. It's the seishi symbol (when lit) that makes him smart, without it he is just a scared, little child. This concept was completely ignored in the anime thus wiping out a major reason for sympathizing and liking the courageousness that Chiriko really did possess.
During the 2nd OVA release, there were six cds released, one for each 2nd OVA episode. Besides the BGM and vocal tracks featured in the episode, there were a couple of drama tracks detailing the reincarnation of the seishi into Miaka's world. Chiriko was reborn as a Canadian child prodigy scientist (*shock*) named Duke Prio.
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